Design your icons like it was 1982

Design your icons like it was 1982

Interfaces tend to be dry and functional, so how can we inject humanity into UI graphic elements?

In this short and informal talk, I explore the work of Susan Kare, the first graphic designer at Apple who was challenged with the enormous task of giving a personality to an interface.

The talk

I first discovered the work of Susan Kare while working on an iconography project where the Art Director kept asking to inject some personality into a set of icons with hilarious results which were, in spite of everything, well-received.

She inspired me to add a humorous twist to my design and to create messages which could be otherwise impersonal or - even worse! boring.

Part of this talk includes an exercise where participants are tasked to add personality to some well-known icons on a grid, using pen and paper, to simulate the 24 bitmap limitations Susan Kare had to adapt to.





Ilaria Oberto © 2024